Causes of Skin Tags
The exact cause of skin tags is unknown, but some factors increase the risk of developing them. These include:
- Friction: Skin tags tend to develop in areas where the skin rubs against clothing or skin. Thus, overweight, or obese people, pregnant women, and athletes are more prone to developing skin tags due to skin friction.
- Hormones: Fluctuations in hormone levels during pregnancy, menopause, or hormonal imbalances may contribute to the development of skin tags.
- Genetics: Skin tags may run in families, so if your parents or siblings have them, you may be more likely to develop them as well.
- Age: As people age, their skin becomes looser and more prone to skin tags.
Identifying Skin Tags
Skin tags are typically small, soft, and flesh-colored or slightly darker than the surrounding skin. They are usually painless but may become irritated if they rub against clothing or jewelry. Skin tags may appear alone or in clusters and can range in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters.
Who is Likely to Get Skin Tags
Skin tags are common and can occur in anyone, but some people are more susceptible than others. These include:
- Overweight or obese people: The excess skin in overweight or obese individuals is more prone to friction, which can lead to skin tags.
- Pregnant women: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase the likelihood of developing skin tags.
- Middle-aged and elderly individuals: As people age, their skin becomes looser and more prone to skin tags.
- People with diabetes: Diabetes can cause changes in the skin that may lead to skin tags.
In conclusion, skin tags are a common, harmless skin condition that can develop on any part of the body. While they may be bothersome, they are generally not a cause for concern.